Hello, and welcome to Jump-On…

We’re a small independent company specialising in creative, practical and cost effective joined-up marketing, publicity and design solutions, specifically tailored to the public transport sector.

Jump-On is owned and operated by David Jordan, a public transport professional based in Norwich, with over a decade working in senior positions in marketing and commercial teams of the bus industry, over two decades experience of design and communication in both business and educational settings and a genuine lifelong interest in public transport both at home and across the world.

Following a fourteen year career teaching design in secondary schools, David has worked for two of the biggest bus operating groups in the country, most recently spending eight years with First Bus, where he held the role of Senior Marketing Manager for First Eastern Counties.

During this time he proudly worked as part of the a Senior Leadership Team who notably achieved both consistent growth and increasing profitability at a time of overall industry decline, whilst maximising benefit from marketing spend by bringing almost all creative output ‘in house’ and consistently focussing on the integration of high quality publicity and marketing across the business to support and drive both commercial success and operational initiatives.

It’s that real life experience, knowledge and interest that sets us apart and the chances are that, whatever the challenge you’d like us to help you with, we’ve been there before (or we know someone who has) and can work with you to find a practical solution that suits virtually any budget.

Why ‘joined-up’?

Our experience has shown that whilst all transport operators and undertakings realise that publicity is essential to their endeavours, sadly the need for clarity and useability of this is not always fully appreciated. Meanwhile, marketing is often either overlooked, regarded as unnecessary or unaffordable or exists in a vacuum, almost totally unrelated to both the publicity produced and day to day commercial and operational realities.

The evidence of our experience shows clearly that true success depends on a joined-up, integrated approach where clear, high quality and attractive publicity is used to inform, assist and simplify passenger journeys, whilst marketing is vital in driving volume growth & revenue, influencing usage and increasing awareness of routes, products or brands.

Only by taking a joined-up approach can one truly exploit the potential to make public transport simple, accessible and appealing.

What makes us different?

Our motto is ‘making more’ and that is what underpins and drives everything we do.

Put quite simply, we want you to be happy that every penny you spend on publicity or marketing is able to generate the maximum benefit and growth for your business, whether in terms of revenue, passengers, product awareness, passenger experience, brand reputation or any possible combination of these.

Whether it’s making more of those essential publicity timetables or maps; making more of the potential of services and networks; making more of promoting your products to current and potential passengers or simply making more of your brand and fleet in the communities you serve, we can help.

It’s the way we use our practical skills and real life experience to work with you to develop realistic, sensible, practical and, above all, supremely creative solutions designed to suit your aims and your budget that we believe makes us unique, and the ideal partner to help you make more of public transport.